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I help companies and executives tell their stories (and get out of jams).


Quick rundown

Career Highlights

- Launched industry leading digital agency, profiled by the NY TIMES

- DEADLINE named our campaign #2 Most Impactful Oscars social media campaign

- Executed campaigns for 5 Oscar winning films, 2 Emmy winners, and numerous nominees

- Managed the Online Reputation Management division at Rubenstein Communications

- Designed business architecture for one of the first proprietary conversation mining tools  

- Long-term client roster includes Fortune 500 companies, family offices, CEOs, politicians, movie studios, and numerous others

Crisis + Reputation Management

- Advise CEOs and brands on corporate communication strategies 

- Perform SEO magic to clean up Google results

- Act as trusted advisor for reputation/crisis concerns 

- Extinguish reputation fires or backlashes

- Reshape perception of individuals or companies 


Media Relations

- Manage rolodex of media contacts and industry insiders across multiple verticals: finance, business, tech, entertainment, lifestyle 

- Possess 10+ years of pitching and securing top media placements

- Responsible for digital PR campaigns for numerous Oscar winners

- Serve as digital PR and social media departments for several film studios

- One of the first agencies to specialize in online placements and movie launches 

Social Media

- Oversee and manage numerous corporate social media properties

- Create custom content campaigns specifically for social channels

- Engage and encourage organic dialog across platforms

- Develop social brand voices 

- Ghostwrite copy for individuals and corporations


- Manage paid campaigns (social and programmatic)

- Ideation and 360 marketing strategy 

- Focus on conversions of all types: brand awareness, purchases, share of voice

Business Development 

- Responsible for all business development of Metal Rabbit

- Proven track record of business growth in all current and past agencies 

- Established market segment for discrete, high-end reputation management services 

The detailed version

After graduating during the first dot com crash, I headed straight to NYC. My first job in the city  (not including catering) was in SEO consulting and PPC management where I mastered the art of optimizing websites for search rankings as well as maximizing profits with Google AdWords. 

From there, I used my SEO powers to protect executives and companies that needed to improve their search results. A large part of reputation management was "social listening" and conversation mining was the next frontier, so I helped build a custom platform for monitoring online conversation. 

I was then recruited to public relations powerhouse, Rubenstein Communications, where I helped launch and manage the Online Reputation and Social Media divisions. As part of my job, I created a digital curriculum and led continuing education courses for 100+ employees, educating them on the importance of the emerging digital landscape. I learned media relations from the best of the best, and traditional PR skills, especially crisis management, were the perfect complement to my SEO arsenal. I also got my first taste of Entertainment PR when I oversaw the digital campaign for INSIDE JOB, the first of many Oscar winners in my career.

In 2011, I launched my own agency and quickly became a leader in the reputation management space. Reputation management was the perfect blend of marketing, media relations, crisis PR, and SEO magic. Our client roster includes C-suite executives, family offices, brands, venture capitalists, celebrities, athletes, and politicians. Over the past 10 years, the delineation between offline and online PR has become untenable; you can't have one without the other. A successful response, particularly in crisis communications, requires a nuanced understanding of both worlds, and that's one of the greatest strengths of Metal Rabbit: digital natives operating in a PR world.     

On a parallel track, Metal Rabbit Media also emerged as a leader in digital marketing, PR, and social media campaigns, particularly in the entertainment world. At one point, we had a string of Oscar winners five years in a row, including multiple Best Picture wins.  A good marketer knows how to implement learnings from one product category and apply it to others. Over the years, we've worked on everything including start-ups, political campaigns, car rentals, healthcare, cultural institutions, and numerous other industries.

In the news

In the news

"If you want to seriously revamp what pops up when someone searches for you online, consider turning to an online reputation management agency. Such sites, like and, reverse engineer search-engine algorithms in order to drive favorable content toward the top and bury unflattering posts."


“It’s been a relatively nascent industry for a while, but fast forward to today and it’s become more mainstream,” said Bryce Tom, the former director of online reputation management at Rubenstein Communications, a major public relations firm in New York. So mainstream, in fact, that Mr. Tom left the firm last year to start Metal Rabbit Media, a reputation management company.

Mr. Tom divides his clients into two camps: “reactive” clients, who want to remove a specific item from the Web, and “proactive” clients, who want to monitor their image."


"Over the summer the studio released a number of infographics explaining the real history behind John Hillcoat's Lawless, detailing different handguns of the timethe moonshine making process and the gangsters of prohibition. I must say I really like this new tactic.

It's edutainment!" 


Giving back

Launched grassroots effort to aid restaurants after Hurricane Sandy (#EatDownTipUp)


Individually raised over $12,000 for Code Interactive by hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro


Launched non-profit think tank to address Asian visibility in Hollywood, the media, and beyond.

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Cooked weekly meals for home bound seniors and people living with HIV/AIDS in the Hudson Valley


Created an online portal for weekenders travelling to NY's Hudson Valley region

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